Story of the Seed Blog post #7 Steven Trujillo

To reproduce the plants have to first go through pollination. This occurs when the pollen on the anther connected to the filament is pulled of by a animal or wind and travels to the female part of another plant called the stigma which connects to the style. The stigma now takes the pollen and pulls it down the style to the ovary to reproduce. This reproduction process need nothing else to occur because the plant has both female and male reproductive systems on it. 

This picture shows the area around the stigma. This flower is a perfect flower because it has male and female reproductive parts on it. Another case that you can see is plants that are female or male not both. This flower came from the garden outside of the classroom and Willow Glen High School.
In this picture you can see the male reproductive system on the flower, called the stamen. Coming from the base of the flower is something called the filament and connected at the end is the anther. The anther on the end creates and releases pollen which is the male sex cells in it.
This picture shows the female reproductive system of the flower, called the carpel. The carpel has a stalk called the style and on the end the stigma is connected. The stigma is a stick tip that captures pollen or male gametes on it.
In this image we removed all the other parts of the flow except for the ovary. Inside of the ovary is the egg cells or ovules for a new plant. 


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